Express Yourself within the Golden Rule

Whether or not you agree with the Trump Administration on anything, no one can deny that Kellyanne Conway and Sarah Huckabee Sanders are two of America’s hardest working women. They are strong women in roles traditionally designated to men and, considering the sometimes confusing workplace they are in, they do an amazing job connecting the White House with the Press.

Despite all of this, these two women are the subjects of a massive amount of hate speech, ranging from attacks of their body image to personal character. What is really unfortunate is that these two women are often attacked by other women, like Michelle Wolfe in her explicit White House Correspondents Dinner Monologue.

But let’s just step back and think about all of this for a moment. Kellyanne Conway and Sarah Huckabee Sanders are devoted to there job. They are amazing role models for young women everywhere. They send a message; to persevere despite ruthless and heartless opposition, to ignore the haters that will try to tear you apart, to let the petty, yet hurtful, insults of the weak minded not dissuade you.

So let’s think some more. If you hate Trump, so be it. If you hated Obama, so be it. If you hate the messages that these women are advocating, so be it. That is your right. But attack the message, not the messenger! If you feel that Donald Trump is a rude jerk, so be it. But does it then make sense to be a jerk to these women? I don’t think so. I know that politics are a touchy subject in today’s world, but why should we stoop to personal insults against these two women (especially in the Me Too era) to make a point? Whatever happened to the polite academic sparring of different ideologies that creates productive discussion? On an even more basic level, what has happened to the Golden Rule? I urge anyone who reads this to be careful not to get carried away and attack the wrong thing. I’ve done it and it doesn’t have positive consequences! It isn’t productive, in fact, it usually regresses the situation to hopeless, embittered bickering.

Please be careful of how you say what you say. The attitude of delivery is almost as important as what is being delivered. Making personal attacks against Kellyanne Conway and Sarah Huckabee Sanders or anyone in the media or the government is unprofessional, unethical, and, many times, morally wrong. Criticize their statements and arguments, not them. Respect them at least because they have achieved, even if you don’t like their achievements. As a closing thought, treat others like you want to be treated.

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