News Review 5/9/2018

Detainees Released!

President Donald Trump announced this morning via Twitter that the 3 Americans beings held as prisoners by the North Korean regime were en route to the United States. The release of Kim Dong-Chul, Kim Hak-Song and Tony Kim is seen by many as a good will gesture by Kim Jung Un towards the United States.

The LDS Officially Breaks Ties with Scouts BSA

The Mormon church announced today that its members will now be urged not to become affiliated with Scouts BSA. The move comes after policy disagreements related to the treatment homosexual, transgender, and female individuals. By choosing to part ways, the Mormon church is ending a 105 year endorsement of the scouting organization.

Short Headlines

-New law passed in California will require many new homes to be built to include solar panels.

-Boeing and Airbus are two companies who may face lower profits due to the reinstated sanctions against Iran.

-United States Senate set to vote next week on whether or not to reverse the FCC’s decision to end Net Neutrality.

-Several recent studies have shown that using social media may be hurting your memory.

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